Customer-centric marketing

Focusing on the most important capital for any business, customers, and treating them individually based on their profiles and choices, to provide a personalized and tailored experience...

Customers Partners

We are a data-driven marketing company, achieving successful campaigns by targeting customers at the right time with the relevant message — Providing more personalized experiences to our subscribers requires us to connect with them individually, rather than as a whole.

Our relationship with our customers!

Here at Targetic Media, what we value most is our costumers base and our commitment to serving them best, by only promoting to them the best offers currently available in real-time, providing experiences that are specifically tailored to their profiles...

Our Privacy Policy has been made in the clearest way to guarantee total transparency, but if there was any reason to make our costumers wanting to be off our lists, they can simply un-subscribe, no questions asked!

Join our subscribers list

Partners, you need to join our network!

What makes us different is our methodology, the one depending on the use of the latest state-of-the-art technology alongside the help of highly experimented professionals and marketers, and that is what made us so successful.

We know that deliverability is the key, and in our modern world of today, it became full of spammers and scammers who masters the way of "One message, million users". But we know pretty well that the age of this has passed, and that's why we are welcoming you to get onboard with us in this journey!!

Join our network

”The best marketing doesn’t feel like marketing... “

— Tom Fishburne

Our values

No annoying ads

Our customers only receive advertisements from categories they are interested in, and also with a periodic quota to not be exceeded as they choose while opting-in.

Opt-in only communications

Once the customer unsubscribes from our lists they will never hear back from us again, up to their wish, and they will never hear back from us again until they want to.

Results-oriented methodology

Nothing stays the same, and so do we. We constantly improve our platforms and systems, resulting in an overall improved performance...